Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Session XI: Swamp Surprise

The struggle against the tree beast left our adventurers weary of battle, and as they set off to town of Marketplace, they were determined to make it with as little trouble along the way as possible. Mild success with foraging was quickly spoiled by regular downpours.

On the seventh day, the rangers spotted a light in the distance. Caution gave way to the boredom of seven days' crawl across the flatlands of Aundair, and the party decided to investigate. The light was found to come from a lantern hung on a post next to a tiny hut. The only distinguishing feature was a sign, and as the men squinted through the rain, they could just make out the Common: "Signs made to order!"

As the adventurers turned around, conceding a lack of value to be found in the hut, the door opened and an elderly human came out. Clever Maryo was chosen to speak for the party; the old man inquired about their destination, and offered his services in the location of a large village - one said to be usefully closer than Marketplace. Before the man could name his price, Blade whispered that they might as well give him one of the picture books. The others agreed: the necromancer's pornography, while ostensibly valuable, was nothing they would shed tears about.

The book caught the old man's eye, and he promptly brought out a sign pointing to the village. Yet after estimating the travel time, it seemed that there was hardly any difference - so they decided to proceed to the bigger town anyway.

A mere day's travel away from Marketplace, the stony ground turned to swamp. With daylight fading, the adventurers set up camp just short of the water's edge. Two weeks over rough ground, with frequent rain, left them without rations, so Lachlan gladly offered to sacrifice his mule. The fried meat would last the entire party a few days - but it would also surely attract animals! As they lay down for the night, the first watch was taken up by Lachlan and Blacklight's charge - LaLa, the magebred llama, chosen for her dark vision.

Before night crept in, the a few of the heroes were awakened by stifled screams. A pair of tentacled beasts had crept up and attacked the guards. Borlander and Blade concentrated on rescuing Lachlan, for once they saw that Blacklight was awakened by his llama's cries, they knew the other beast was doomed: the wood elf would not be satisfied with anything less than utter carnage.

The battle was short enough that Maryo and Sikomor never even woke up. Having done away with the swamp monsters, the fighters settled back in for the night. Borlander took the next watch, though Blacklight's rage made sleep difficult for him.

The next morning, preparing to cross the swamp in hope that Marketplace was still somewhere on the other side, the men joined Sikomor in a druid song that, they knew from past experience, would invigorate them for an entire day. But as they moved through the fetid pools, their speed was impeded far too much, and they knew they would have to camp another night.

Lachlan offered to take first watch, until it was pointed out to him that whenever the party's weakest melee fighter takes first watch, bad things tend to happen. Even in a fairly dry spot, camping in the middle of a poison swamp is not a good idea. This was made obvious as the ground shook in the night, a sign of the appearance of swamp slugs. This time it was Borlander and Blacklight that had trouble waking. Borlander's veins had not enough elf blood in them, and he had trouble keeping his bow in his hands; Blacklight fared better, but was sickened by the noxious fumes and of far less use in a fight than usual. The first wave of slugs was driven back, though Blade's sword, Maryo's rapier, Sikomor's bow and Lachlan's Sleep spells alone were not enough - even LaLa had to join in.

As dawn approached, the adventurers felt the approach of something far more sinister: a monster slug was around. This time the swamp was the undoing of Blade, who failed to wake up even in the commotion of the battle. Blacklight had only slightly better luck, as he was sucked down into the mud; slinging his spiked chain against a tree branch and strainging to pull himself out, he felt the slug squeeze his body tight, and smaller slugs bite against his armor.

This was exactly the time for one of Lachlan's bright ideas, and the wizard was eager to try out a new spell. Directing his efforts at the sleeping Blade, Lachlan sent him into a fit of Hideous Laughter - something that nobody could sleep through. Once woken and functional, Blade grabbed Blacklight by the scruff of the neck, and helped pull him out just as the slug was preparing to crush the wood elf.

Fortunately the beast was in its last throes, and a good shot from Lachlan's crossbow finished it. The adventurers retreated to the tree, and spent a few minutes fighting off the little slugs.

The rest of the night was peaceful, and the wounded heroes sought relief in sleep and the lasting effect of Sikomor's song - which they found useful enough to repeat in the morning. The day was September 17th, and with only one day's supplies left, the party set off again, through the swamp, towards where they hoped Marketplace was still standing...

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